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Old 28th September 2015, 11:43 PM
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Aidan257 Aidan257 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: Australia
My point of view on the Pokemon series is that it has evolved so much that I'm sure it's dying down outside of Japan because it is seen as a game for children (which we all know is not true, a lot of adults enjoy it). The last game I played was Y and I found it overwhelming. I prefer the simplistic Pokemon games from Generation 4 and back because it's not overly complicated and they really were well done. Even though the 3D effect is awesome, clothing, roller-skates and the fact that there is Internet connectivity on the Generation 6, I just couldn't relate to the game as much as I could with the others. I'd go back and play it just to fill the Pokedex and maybe see if it has aged well a few years down the track, but I don't think I'd want to restart it and play it again in a hurry. I just prefer the simplistic acts of going to different towns, battling trainers, learning about the story and grinding etc.

But don't get me wrong, I love Pokemon in general and the games won't put me off the series unless they are colossally shit, which probably won't happen. The movies and anime are great and I love the toys that are released for Pokemon.
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