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Old 15th October 2015, 11:00 PM
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Andre Andre is offline
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Originally Posted by Jinjonator View Post
So far my fun hodgepodge of challenges has a 0% clear rate. Which is surprising to me. I mean on the one hand it's the first level I've made with the intention of actually being at all difficult, but I didn't think it was that difficult (I don't intend to ever make those ridiculous borderline-impossible levels, where dying a hundred times is built into the fabric of the level). (I think probably the hardest part is the first part with the donut platforms and the spikes, since it requires very good precision)

Also, @ Andre, you don't have to hold the Koopa shell all the way down in the first challenge, you can just hit it immediately from the top and it'll do the rest; it won't despawn or anything.

Anyway, free sexual favors for whoever can beat it.
Your levels frustrated me immensely for some reason.
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