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Old 7th January 2012, 06:49 AM
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Andre Andre is offline
North American Scum
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: San Francisco
Total Awards: 19
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Games in Mario Kart 7 and Guitar Hero or Rock Band will probably be added soon, but in the mean time, I'm adding to the list iSketch, that way everybody can join in on the gaming. A few years ago, we used to play this game as a group all the time and it really is a blast. From Wikipedia:

"Players take turns in drawing a word or words (using a mouse or tablet) while the other players try to guess. Puzzles come in over twenty languages and over two hundred themes. Difficulty level ranges from easy to expert. Guessers score when they solve the puzzle within a short grace period after the first correct guess. Artists accrue points for every correct guess within the grace period."

Check the game thread here to play with us at 3 pm EST.
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