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Old 10th April 2023, 03:31 AM
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qwertykins76 qwertykins76 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: japeville
Total Awards: 3
You're Appreciated! Grey Note Medal INFECTED - B2K1 
Why on the earth do SO MANY PEOPLE say that Tooie should have 100 individual Notes "so it feels less empty". Are you people INSANE?? Do you not understand that having more Notes would just mean that there would be far more opportunities to MISS Notes? Finding 99 Notes and then having to sweep Tooie's vast interconnected worlds just to find the last Note is a scenario that must be avoided at all costs. That potential scenario is so nightmarish in these massive worlds it can NEVER be allowed to happen. I cannot fathom why such an absurdly high number of people always say Tooie should have more Notes. That would make the game WORSE.

What's more, the belief that a breadcrumb collectable are a rewarding and satisfying way to fill out empty space is frankly insulting to your own intelligence. If worlds are sincerely too big, you don't fill them with meaningless dopamine drips, that's just a lazy substitution for actual gameplay. You either remove needless empty space, or you put ACTUAL content in that space. Not breadcrumb Notes to keep you distracted from the fact the worlds are devoid of meaningful content/gameplay no matter how many meaningless trinkets you randomly sprinkle in there.

BK is fundamentally designed in a different way and Notes are fine there. They serve multiple purposes, such as guiding players. Tooie's level design largely does not match this and 100 individual Notes would be an absolute unmitigated nightmare
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