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Old 20th July 2006, 11:22 PM
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Dricenticore Dricenticore is offline
Grunty's Reject
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: In all your base
Er... Subway is "retired" and IceMario probably thinks it's a waste of time.

And in response to the last page, according to my theory we HAVE unlocked SNS in Banjo Kazooie, But it is the MIDDLE LINK. Rare said "Go BACK to kazooie". That means that the first link [(If any, I am not claiming that SNS exists, I in fact don't think there is much of a chance)] is in TOOIE and NOT kazooie. In the SNS process[(Read those four words CAREFULLY before you tell me that kazooie was not built around SNS. I know it wasn't)], Kazooie is only a place to shove the items before you grab them.

Last edited by Dricenticore; 20th July 2006 at 11:25 PM.