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Old 15th July 2006, 10:22 PM
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login66 login66 is offline
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Actually, at the point you desribed, you don't have any of the eggs. Earlier in this thread (about 40 pages ago) I discussed the functionality that item by item resets the secret items collected and opens the secret areas. You end up with 80283400 FE00 (NTSC). So when you did the walk thru walls during the Mumbo AI sequence, all your items had been momentarily removed.
Nope My SnS Items are still there even the board iam trying to moon jump just in time to get it but its hard, when i got it 1st time when in use walk threw walls mumbos talk line oppend and said banjo got... then it ended and banjos came up and started to say something but the game crashed i boughyt this game used.