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Old 16th July 2008, 12:14 AM
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Comrade Bear Comrade Bear is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Connecticut
Originally Posted by Fox McBanjo View Post
1. We know because there are remenants of it in BT, and because they told us that they dropped it very late in production.
2. There was a full level planned since... when?
1. Are there any remnants in B-T that we know are specifically SnS related? Aside from the cartridges and all, I didn't mean that replacement bit they gave us. If there are, could you tell me what we found? I thought I knew all of the details as of late but there's always a chance that something slipped my mind.
1.5. Ah, that "late in production" thing puts a bit of a hole in my theory. It doesn't seem much like Rare would hide that, I guess...then again, "late in production" doesn't necessarily mean that they were late into SnS production, just the game's production. After all, I'd think the un-secret features would be a lot more important than the ones that nobody would see. In addition, they could have also been talking about production of the trigger that sent/recieved items. It's much easier to remove/hide programming code than it is a physical entity, after all. (at least that's the impression Rare seems to give.)
2. I think Mister M. did a good job explaining that one, I'll thank him again for helping me put my thoughts into coherent words for the rest of you. Really, that was my fault for not elaborating which side I was on in the short version.

Last edited by Comrade Bear; 16th July 2008 at 12:14 AM. Reason: Spelling errors!