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Old 3rd July 2006, 07:12 AM
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Hylian1 Hylian1 is offline
Jolly Rodger
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Total Awards: 1
RWP Note Medal 
Join the SFS Team!

Team SFS (Searchers for Stop N Swop) is a team that will be composed of everyone who is dedicated in the search for solving Stop N Swop! If you are interested in joining Team SFS, then just post here in this topic that you want to join and you will then be a member of this elite team of Stop N Swop Searchers!

Benefits of being a part of Team SFS currently include having your name and 'plausible' theories dealing with Stop N Swop included into the new popular Stop N Swop Station (

If you decide to join and don't mind doing so, then post in your signature that 'Member of Team SFS (Searchers for Stop N Swop).

Let us all prove to the gaming world that we are of supreme dedication to solving the video game industries biggest mystery of all time. Let Team SFS live on until the end!