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Old 11th July 2006, 09:32 AM
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Theguyoverthere Theguyoverthere is offline
DJ Jamjars
Join Date: Mar 2006
Total Awards: 3
INFECTED - B1K1 RWP Podcast RWP Bash Day 7 Participation Award 
Haha... Chinese... haha.. Yeah, I've tried emucheat... That program scares me... Yeah well anyway, i've been trying so hard to find the jiggy modifier using hex workshop by doing things like pausing it and then taking a save state, then go into hex and search for 90 (90 jiggies) and there were like 12 matches, and i changed the match that was nearby the word "LOTS" (from the pause screen) but it didn't change my amount of jiggies. I also tried changing the doormans text from "You need [some number] jiggies to enter" to 00 but still no dice. I wanna get inside that temple! So, I started a new game, went there, then once i was inside i checked the almost everything complete code and checked it. I talked to jiggywiggy he said go over there for the super special challenge. I do and press B. Black Screen with a framerate of less than 1. Scary.