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Old 28th July 2008, 09:43 PM
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runehero123 runehero123 is offline
DJ Jamjars
Join Date: Jan 2007
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Originally Posted by NinBan
For almost all items, they must have at least one of them before it shows up. So for these items, it was useless to program a 0/1 because it showing up means you have at least 1/1.
Thats pretty close. But only the Ice-key acts that way. The other items start out at 0. The menu wont show these items in the "totals screen" until you have at least 1 collected.

With the ice-key it doesn't matter how many you have, it won't show up until you activate some other variable. It makes sense if you think of how it would be unlocked.

Flag Data(transfer data from bk) activates a variable. This variable activates the sns item in the menu. So the Ice-key doesn't register as collected until this variable is activated.