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Old 23rd March 2023, 07:20 PM
CaptainDredlokk CaptainDredlokk is offline
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It's been a few months since I finally got around to beating it let alone 100%'ing it, but Yooka Laylee was not anywhere near as bad as it was made out to be in my opinion. It isn't without flaws - some of the Pagies were very obtuse to in their puzzles (I spent a very looong time looking for the gas valve in the casino for the jacuzi in the ice level due to the strange texture choice on the jacuzi itself and eventually gave up and googled the solution) and despite there being nearly 20 tonics I almost strictly used the one that makes hard to find collectables whistle, Despite this and the occasional annoying pagie, it definitely gave me that satisfying Banjo collectathon challenge, and in spite of the boss fights on the easier side, Capital B was a pretty good final boss that tests most of your kit.

I was pretty satisfied with it in spite of it not being the greatest game in the world. Too bad it wasn't as well received because I'd love a renaissance of that style of game - really felt like Microsoft was gonna do something crazy and announce Banjo Threeie when they let Nintendo use the rights to BK, but it came and went without a peep from MS which is a shame as it would be a welcome announcement what with them reviving Fable and getting Rare working on something new - even if they had another team working on the game. Then again, 343 is really fumbling the bag with Infinite so maybe it's best that BK doesn't have a Nuts and Bolts 2 as a sendoff...
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