Thread: A list
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Old 21st August 2003, 12:00 PM
I just though of a couple more to write down before I forget;

3. Egg weirdness; Looking at the screenshots accompanying the codes on the RWP site, I noticed that only the eggs mumbo shows you are actually hidden somewhere. Pink in Sharkfood island, and Blue in Gobi's desert. All the others (apart from the one in the barrel in MMM) just appear floating on things...why not hide them in some definite object as well. And if they're not hidden, then where do they come from?

4. More egg weirdness: In banjo-kazooie mumbo shows 3 pictures; the ice key, the pink egg and the blue egg from gobi's valley. In BT they give you FOUR of the secret items, the key, the pink and blue eggs, and yellow one we weren't meant to know about. If they'd only given us the secrets we'd been shown you could say we should have been patient, but since we hacked the game and found out more than we should have done Rare were punishing us by giving us only what we should know. If they put all the secret items from BK in that would be fine too...but why do we have either one extra or three less than we should have?