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Old 6th August 2006, 10:32 PM
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Go_Nosis Go_Nosis is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
just in line with a former theory i've seen flying around, i did some out of game scoping and seen that its possible for banjo to stand inside the beauty machines. see the attached pic.

what does this mean? probably nothing. But we can all chip in and put our pieces of this puzzle together, try to finish it.

Hold on while i try getting into the other one, i'll update to tell you guys if theres any difference.

EDIT: Yeah i know, that was fast. Nothin' to report, you can stand inside the machine. I don't have any theories that coincide with this, can anyone else use this?

Also, one thing has always bugged me about Banjo Kazooie. The room with the Mad Monster Mansion entrance, and the Gobi's Valley puzzle. I know it's been brought up before, but it strikes me as odd that its the ONLY map (save the quiz level) that has fire of any kind. You'd think in a colorfol game like BK, they'd have more fire stuff.

But anyways, I'll keep on the prowl! Good luck, everyone!
Go_Nosis. Gamer, Galactic HitchHiker, Mod Eater. (They know why)

Last edited by Go_Nosis; 6th August 2006 at 10:40 PM.