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Old 10th January 2007, 03:30 AM
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Go_Nosis Go_Nosis is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
*drags himself out of the dust*

I got nothin' particularly special to do for the next little while. Count me in.

What can i do? well, I haven't met a wall in BK yet I couldn't work around. I'm a cheat exploiter. in-game-glitcher. stop-n-swop enthusiast.

BT, not so much. But I will comb the game and anything in it that seems off or confusing. I'm pretty good with gameshark cheats for transformations and stuff. I can take as good a look as any.

so? where do you want me?
Go_Nosis. Gamer, Galactic HitchHiker, Mod Eater. (They know why)