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Old 12th November 2018, 03:43 PM
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Breegullbeak Breegullbeak is offline
Rare Witch Hero
Join Date: Apr 2009
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You're Appreciated! Bashful Imagination Game On Reminiscence 
I replayed the trilogy this year, and while my opinion on Tooie has continued to decline, my opinions on Nuts & Bolts have remained consistent. It's a great game. Most complain about it not being a collect-a-thon platformer, but that never bothered me. Banjo Kazooie is just as much about everything outside the gameplay. The music, the characters, the worlds. All of these are as great as ever. The game chose to go a different direction with it's gameplay and in my opinion it worked. Instead of adding on even more moves to an already overloaded move set or adding more characters to play as like the generally maligned DK64, they decided to forgo the old move pool all together.
From where you're kneeling, it must seem like an 18-carat run of bad luck. Truth is... the game was rigged from the start -Benny
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