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Old 10th August 2007, 04:46 AM
thatguyjr thatguyjr is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
Well, to be fair, there's more than that, and it's on both sides, too.

For realz:
*The bridge up to the next level has a hole through it.
*The TTC picture is actually ripped-looking.
*There aren't stairs around the Grunty emblem.
*The textures and polygons of the boulder match the rest of the picture.
*The light is a darker green color than the original.

Either way, but worth noting:
*The bridge has no shadow
*The textures seem less detailed than Banjo Tooie's. It could be because the room may have been scrapped if leftovers in the game.
*He mentions a previously unknown NPC.
*His site has been up for a month.

Additional reasons why it could be fake:
*The picture itself. If mysterious Carlos Rondaldson took this picture as proof of his discovery, why not offer a higher quality picture
*The lack method used at all.
*He says his heroes are Ice and Sub. Idols, actually. Why wouldn't he post this on their forums immediately.
*He seems to act like he doesn't know what RSA, besides something from a text dump, in his first post. Why is this the thing he chooses to look for?

Now, we must also consider that there are a number of warp digits in BT that show black screens that haven't really been unlocked. IMO, there could be leftover rooms that may be accessible. However, whenever a great discovery that's real has actually happened, we seem to achieve several details about it when it is announced, IIRC. Regardless, the picture looks good. Whether or not this guy's picture and finding is legit, to do it, he had to have some talent and patience.