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Old 2nd August 2006, 06:56 PM
hatrickpatrick hatrickpatrick is offline
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Location: Dublin, Ireland
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Posted early on Christmas eve last year >_>

Originally Posted by hatrickpatrick
I've split this into two categories. And the topics I want people to pay particular attention to are the Beta Spiral Mountain one (which I still think could be a massive, massive discovery) and the Fungus Forest one, which has some very interesting evidence in it for a connection with FP.


Here I list the threads which seemed, to me, to have extremely relevant information in them, but were abandoned and forgotten about. These are listed in order of how big the discoveries were, and personally I think we should keep looking into some of these...

The Gobi's Walley Topic - This one has two discoveries, one being the unexplained appearance of question marks on GV's walls, the other being about the Ice Key wall. Apparently it's meant to slide open rather than smash.

BETA spiral mountain level discovered, hidden in BK's instant warp as a crash digit - This one, I think, is probably a lot more important than we realised at the time, as it's one of the few unexplained locations in BK which doesnt seem to bear relation to any part of the game and *could* be the setting for some hidden cutscene or event. We never actually found out what it was for, and it could still have things we don't know about. Looks very promising indeed.

The topic which started off all the excitement about FP possibly having the link to Fungus forest. There is still a great deal of controversy over the existance of fungus forest. I myself find it fairly unlikely that an entire level could be hidden in memory, but there is a lot of evidence in here to support just that. well worth the read.

*Worth a look, but probably insignificant*
The discovery of the beta JRL pipe - I think it's fairly safe to say that it was just a duplicate of the existing JRL pipe left in for some unknown reason.

Banjooie believes he has discovered an extra piece of land in spiral mountain which is unused by the game - Still not quite sure what that was, but I think the general consensus was that it was a glitch

Also, I feel I owe everyone an apology over the demo control codes. Again, I sort of forgot about them after my digits list became seriously innacurate and complicated... I might just post the addresses, with a vague description of what each digit CAN do. pinning them down is just too difficult.

So merry christmas everyone, have a great one!
So, on we go, into part 2!

I'll post a link to the hacking board topic as soon as I get a chance to make it. Until then, good luck everyone.
