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Old 10th February 2005, 09:22 AM
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Benjo Koolzooie Benjo Koolzooie is offline
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: England, Nottingham
Bare with me in this post, it is just some ideas worth thinking about.

Yeah, that's what made me re-think my idea about the "secret chambers" - but who SAID we get the yellow egg ? I always remember pausing the pause screen and the eggs would spin at different speeds no matter what? Sometimes slow, sometimes fast? I don't know for sure.

The thing that leads me to believe we collect the yellow egg is the fact Banjo speaks after collecting that (he doesn't after aquiring the cyan/red/green egg - right?) But again, there is another contradiction cause if no speech occurs after the cyan egg's collection, which I think is a probable one to collect, having it's own special chamber created for it 'n' all, then perhaps the other eggs do not have to have any speech after their collection.

The green egg seems to make sense to a degree as stated is a ghastly green colour and near a filthy loggo. I can not see what could trigger that to appear, as well as the red egg on the bed and the one in Nabnut's house. I mean, I don't know what would trigger the secret areas where the ice key and such is either. However the secrets shown at the end of the game (and the cyan egg..) are in special places, so ok, they are "always" there. But what would make the red/yellow/green egg appear in places you can visit in the natural course of the game?

Rare claim, in other words "You shouldn't know about the secret items, so why should we speak of it? We never said it was part of the game" - well....that is rubbish. We know we was to go and collect the items from their BK locations beause they speak, they can claim as much as they want we shouldnt have known, but it is obvious we should have. Also, why show us a raised rock with an egg inside, a chamber ON SHOW with an ice key inside it. If rare wanted to show us a preview of secrets in the next game, mumbo could have shown still images of the ice key and eggs and that would be that. So my point, we were meant to get the secrets in BK. The theory is further backed up with how the secrets in BT were in BK packs! If we were not intended to get them in BK, why have them in BK pack - you can't get them from there!? Do you see my point? If Rare wanted they could have stuck the ice key and couple of eggs around BT (not in BK paks) and that would be that, but they didn't.

Also please explain to me the 3D rendered images of Banjo holding the ice key and pink egg??

There is also the "please tell us what what the eggS and key are for" - was a secret image at the end removed? Kazooie says EggS after seeing one. If Rare removed another secret being shown to us by Mumbo from the end, that implies they didn't want us to know about it (for personal reasons, or so that if SNS occured, we'd get a surprise with more secrets than expected). If they moved it because they didn't want anyone to ever collect it or know about it - it implies they dropped and removed SNS from the start.

I don't care what anyone says "Rare didn't say we actually get the items IN BK" - of course we were meant to! Why program them in the game , why have speech when items are collected, why have music in the secret areas. At some point it was intended, hackers or no hackers - and I'd like to know what was intended.

Plus, does anyone else think the cut scenes where you kill the "big cluckers" near click clock wood is a bit strange? I do! You kill some and they pop out of their hole squark and drop to their death in a small pointless cutscene. It doesn't happen when you kill other creatures that pop from walls...just these strange looking birds? Any link to the eggs?

Just some ideas.

Also, why would Rare set a trap? We weren't supposed to know about those items as Rare say - so why were they setting traps?

In regards to the Grabbed By The Ghoulies SNS references - probably jokes? They knew most kids/teens would be likely BK players and probably took part in the SNS thing, looking for secret levels, how to find the eggs etc - and made that their homework (rather than actual school homework!) - so made a joke of it.
"I needed the temptation like I needed a hole in the head!" // Cody Willis

Last edited by Benjo Koolzooie; 10th February 2005 at 09:41 AM.