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Old 29th June 2006, 10:24 PM
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LaorBR LaorBR is offline
Jolly Rodger
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Brazil, Sampa
Total Awards: 1
RWP Note Medal 
The site looks good, but...
When 1881 is multiplied times 7, you get 13167. If you add those numbers together you get 18. Now if you multiply 18 times 81 you get 1458. If you add those numbers together you get 18. Multiply 1458 times 7 and you get 10206. Add those numbers together and you get 9. Both 18 and 81 are divisible by 9. Divide 18 and 81 by 9 and you get 2 and 9. Multiply 2 and 9 together and you get 18. Now separate 18 and 81. Multiply 18 times 7 and you get 126. Add those numbers together and you get 9. Now multiply 18 times 9 and you get 162. Add those numbers together and you get 9! Now multiply 81 times 7 and you get 567. Add those numbers together and you get 18. Now multiply 81 times 9 and you get 729. Add those numbers together and you get 18. Now add 1 and 8 and you get 9. Then add 8 and 1 and you get 9. Add both 9s together and you get 18! Or multiply them and get 81. Now add 18 and 81 and you get 99. Add them and you get 18. Multiply them and you get 81.
Look at the numbers now: 1881. The two eights in the center contain four circles which would equal to four of the eggs. Now add the two ones on the ends, and you have a total of six! Second, remove one of the eights for a second and rearrange the other numbers: 118 or 811. What can be seen here is simply the shape of a key!

Here's the Link. I swear I didn't make that up.
Seriously, these guys are trying way too hard.

Last edited by LaorBR; 29th June 2006 at 10:31 PM.