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Old 12th August 2006, 07:12 PM
Yuoko Yuoko is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Wow, I go away for a few Weeks/Months, and look what happens...
I've been saying it for the better part of a year, but my Gameshark really doesn't like my Banjo cart. Actually, it kirks out when it's used with it.

I'd love to have a go at helping, but I really don't want to go scrounging around town for another cart. Ah well...

"I have question to hackers:
Is possible that Tooie can transfer"Stop N Swop Room"(Tower Room?) data to Kazooie?
Maybe we can't use SNS in Kazooie because we not have "place to use" in this game?
Banjo said:"We WILL find a use for this somewhere"
There is possible transfer "extra data" from Tooie to Kazooie?
I'm think that Kazooie can(or can in past) transfer to Tooie only "memory actvators"(like activator for Bottles'Revenge)
GS can found this "memory activators" ,right? RWP found GS codes to enable BR "memory activator", right?

BTW: My Super Special Challange record is 49 seconds.I can't beat my record now!"

One question at a time, mate.
1. I doubt it. Certainly possible that there's some very obscure method of doing it, but doubtful.
2. More or less, I'd assume that the transfer data's still in B-K, if it ever was.
3. When did he? I don't remeber that...
4. If there's the data to tell the N64* to keep the Data is still there, if it was.
5. Hm... I'd say the data to trigger the Activators would be more likely.
6. Er... Restate? I can't understand what you meant by this...
COA for DarkSim- Run like Hell. Unless, that is, you own at headshots.

Last edited by Yuoko; 12th August 2006 at 07:19 PM.