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Old 9th August 2007, 03:52 AM
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BanjoFreak12 BanjoFreak12 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Coming to a theater near you!
I photoshopped the "Riddiculously secret area" so it almost looks like BK Graphics...There are some things to notice about this picture...

1. The Rock In Grunty's Eye...
2. The Bridge to the Click Clock Wood's Picture area is Broken...
3. There's a rock in the doorway to that room...
4. The Light coming from above the Grunty Face, once a green color, is now black...
5. There is a Rock under the picture.
6. IT LOOKS LIKE THERE'S A ROCK BLOCKING THE ENTRANCE TO THE MAIN GRUNTY'S LAIR AREA. At the right edge of the picture, and up a little.
7. Lining the Grunty Picture, is just a RAMP. No Stairs...When Stairs originally lined said picture...
8. The black rocks around the bottom of the Ramp Looks alot moldier, alot more Black than in BK.
9. No shadow under the bridge...

Now, if you don't believe me, take a look at this photo i snatched thanks to PJ64. It was the original Room In BK.

I'm starting to believe this guy...
Wonka(1:6-7): It is written that a boy will become a great successor. He will lead an army of Oompa Loompas ensuring that every craving is satisfied.