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Old 14th October 2018, 06:15 PM
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Zondekel Zondekel is offline
Mercury Star Power, Make Up~!
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Total Awards: 10
Awesome Default Medal You're Appreciated! INFECTED - B2K1 Imagination Game On 
I set up the Wii U last night and I've been itching to play more Mario Maker. Gonna go through later tonight and play some of these levels!! If I make anything good, I'll post my course ID here, too.

The three levels I actually posted are still up and they... could use some work, ha. The only one I'm actually mostly okay with is the last one, where I tried to keep the actual Super Mario Bros. aesthetic- ground can only be two tiles high but mushroom platforms and floating blocks can act as higher platforms, the only way the camera should scroll up to the upper half of the playfield is through vines and clouds, things like that. That had secret path that was the only way to get to the top of the flagpole.
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