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Old 29th July 2009, 04:17 AM
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cooliscool cooliscool is offline
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Preliminary details, will update as I continue.

DK64 Model Header:

This data is for the final version, though the kiosk versions header is the same; just subtract 8 bytes from each offset. 

Layout is "offset (datatype) = description and details"

s16 = signed 16 bit int (-32768 - 32767)
u8 = unsigned 8 bit int (byte, 0-255)

0x38-0x3B (32-bit UInt) = pointer to start of master vertex lookup table (16 bytes per entry - [xxxx - s16][yyyy - s16][zzzz - s16][0000][uuuu - s16][vvvv - s16][rr - u8][gg - u8][bb - u8][aa - u8]

0x40-0x43 (32-bit UInt) = pointer to end of master vertex lookup table 

((endptr-startptr) / 16) = vertex count)

0xE6-0xE7 (16-bit UInt) = number of display list commands (*8 = dlist buffer size in bytes) 

0x148 (64-bit UInt per command) = start of master display list (first 8b = commandcode, next 24b = loword, next 32b = hiword)

struct DK64Header
int VertStart;
int VertEnd;
int VertCount;
int DLStart;
int DLCommandCount;

struct Vertex
short x;
short y;
short z;
short flags;
short u;
short v;
byte r;
byte g;
byte b;
byte a;

struct DisplayList
unsigned long Command;
byte CommandCode;
unsigned int loWord;
unsigned int hiWord;

long[4] ShiftTable = {0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFF, 1}; // macro for appending bytes 

void ReadHeader(byte[] FileByteBuffer, struct DK64Header Header, bool kioskMode)
    int inc = 0; // for kiosk/final compatibility
    if(kioskMode) {inc=8;} // could be more elegant

    for(int i=0;i<4;i++) 
         Header.VertStart += FileByteBuffer[(0x38-inc)+i] * ShiftTable[i];
         Header.VertEnd += FileByteBuffer[(0x40-inc)+i] * ShiftTable[i];

    Header.VertCount = ((Header.VertEnd - Header.VertStart) / 16);
    Header.DLStart = 0x148-inc; //constant

    for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
          Header.DLCommandCount += FileByteBuffer[(0xE6-inc)+i] * ShiftTable[i+3];

Last edited by cooliscool; 30th July 2009 at 01:35 AM.
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