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Old 20th August 2003, 11:06 PM
I just read the news and I must say that this is the most startling discovery that has happened to the RWP in years! Through the years my patience ran out for SNS, and i completely gave up on ever hoping to see SNS realized. But with this new discovery, their seems to be a renewed spark of interest inside of me and i'm sure inside us all. Their evidence is so flawless that it's incredible! Never before have I seen such a well fortified theory in banjo land. I can't even find one thing to disagree with. And i'm sure everyone has an idea of what this could lead to... I'm still not going to hold my breath, but I have faith in these guys. I'm sure they will come up with something. They always do. Even as of late, they have made several startling discoveries that have been overlooked through the years. With their experience, who knows what untold secrets they could uncover... How exciting!!!