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Old 15th July 2006, 02:37 AM
BanjoKonspirazy's Avatar
BanjoKonspirazy BanjoKonspirazy is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Join the NSFS Team

Im looking for a new band of people interested in joining NSFS (Not Searching For Stop n Swop). This will involve NOT looking for clues in either game, NOT experimenting with new theories, and most importantly looking down on other RWP members for using bad grammar.
This team is for everyone who has lost all hope of ever finding SNS, believe it is a dead feature that was NEVER included.
With a fully organized group, we can assign goals to different teams: burning BK and BT cartridges, and have a mocking cynic online 24 hours a day!!!
Who's with me?!!
People thought I was stupid, but I proved them!