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Old 25th April 2009, 10:07 AM
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BanjoPL BanjoPL is offline
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Why Rare would scrapped SNS between BK and DK64?

They used BK-DK64 SNS as test before they would make BK-BT SNS. It looks like that Bk-Dk64 SNS sucessfull because in Banjo-Tooie Tepid Seat (released AFTER DK64) they confirmed BK-BT SNS. Rare confirmed that they included SNS functions in Banjo-Tooie (but later Nintendo nixed them) so this is another proof that BK-Dk64 SNS worked perfectly.

Now, thanks to Rune, we know that in final version of DK64 there is text ICE KEY 1/1.
So are there chances that BK-Dk64 SNS still works? DK64 released BEFORE Rambus changed so SNS between BK and Dk64 would still works.

Rare NEVER mentioned BK-Dk64 SNS or said that BK-Dk64 SNS was scrapped.