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Old 3rd August 2015, 01:42 AM
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GoldenEye Setup Editor V3 and 8 Meg GoldenEye Release (With DKR, Mickey, and JFG)

Two major updates today for the world of N64 Level editing and GoldenEye. One is the release of Version 3 of the GoldenEye Setup Editor with many new features and even three new games. The second, is the release of an 8 meg version of GoldenEye, that allows full advantage of the 8 meg of RAM by Zoinkity!
There are more great things in store, so keep checking back, and enjoy these gems.

GoldenEye Setup Editor V3:
The GoldenEye Setup Editor was originally released not quite 10 years ago, in October 25th, 2006. It was the culmination of early work, to edit coordinates in the Runway level, of a tool I had initially called the Runway Setup Editor. Compression was brute-forced, and there wasn’t much to it. With the help of Zoinkity and Wreck and all the GameSharking greats of the past, this blossomed into an advanced, full blown setup editor. That was version 1, which much effort was spent to get the GoldenEye Setup editing accurate, but it didn't include a desired visual interface.

A year or two later, I came out with the GoldenEye Setup Editor Version 2, which added a long-awaited visual interface. I also launched my own "spin-off" web site from the Rare Witch Project called GoldenEye Vault, to showcase all the exciting new levels created and host the ever improving editor. Slowly over time, the editor got more and more powerful. There was even an attempt to add Perfect Dark, though the initial version was lost in a hard drive crash. I released what I had done, called it something like "PerfectDarkEditorNeverToBeFinished", and went back to GoldenEye. This likely proved (though frustratingly) to be a blessing in disguise. Instead of dividing my efforts between two editors, the GoldenEye editor progressed a lot, and when I got back to Perfect Dark later, it wasn't thousands and thousands of hours to make a new Perfect Dark as I had thought, as it could be incorporated into the GoldenEye editor, instead of its own separate code base. Over years and years, the editor slowly got more powerful, allowing editing models, better support for levels, sound editing, midi editing, most recently animations, and even modelling tools such as a UV editor!

I had been asked before, what would it take to get to "Version 3" of the editor? Was it not enough to add models, animations, light sources, etc? From version 1 to 2, the major version jump had been the addition of the visual interface. Then it stayed at version 2, for almost 8 years. Finally, today, I release version 3, where I finally upgrade the major version, since I have added multiple new games, combined with the many new features that together take the editor to the next level. Special for version 3, is also the ability to “skin” the editor itself, with built-in versions that enhance the look and feel of each game, created by Trevor.

Version 3 adds a lot of great new powerful core GoldenEye/Perfect Dark editor features (such as improved guard visualization, model editing, orthographic view, etc), and then early support for Diddy Kong Racing, Mickey Speedway USA, and Jet Force Gemini (initially really just added to do some research and curiosity, but turned out to be functional). What are you waiting for? Go check out the new features and full details at the V3 Editor page.

8 Meg GoldenEye Patch:
As for the 8 meg patch, this allows for bigger levels, more objects, more variety, more textures, etc. It was made with Goldfinger 64 in mind, but it can benefit everyone right now. Once patched, the ROMs memory allocations can be increased in the 21990 Game Configuration editor, far beyond the original allocations. It works by allowing GoldenEye’s data to shift beyond the 4 meg range. It’s quite a technical achievement, and involves significant assembly code modification and extensive testing. This very exciting advancement can allow for many possibilities and expansive creation, and is compatible with V3 of the GoldenEye Setup Editor. Things that may have seemed impossible, now become possible.

Also hopefully here can push the knowledge on Diddy Kong Racing, Mickey Speedway, and Jet Force Gemini, to fill in gaps in known objects, etc!

Last edited by SubDrag; 3rd August 2015 at 01:54 AM.
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