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Old 9th April 2009, 02:36 PM
Shiner Shiner is offline
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Originally Posted by JDTurnbull272 View Post
It is so sad with the way the economy is going right now...It really makes me feel terrible that despite us, as fans, and our efforts to purchase their games, it still isn't enough to keep their company doing strong, and overcoming the problems with the market right now...= /
Rare didn't help themselves with N&B. Releasing a traditional Banjo, marketing it as a competitor to Galaxy and building up a hype i.e magazines talking about how good the old Banjo games were - would've been a lot more economically viable. They should've used the N&B idea for a new IP.

As for Rare's other titles, Viva isn't doing too badly what with the animated cartoon and such, but they've released very few titles in the last few years that even come close to the AAA glory of their N64 days. Rare need to release that "killer" title that gets them on the map again. Viva isn't that title, and they've ruined Banjo. So I'm thinking either a brand new IP or a good Jet Force Gemini sequel might do the trick.
Still waitin' for that classic.