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Old 7th June 2019, 07:29 PM
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qwertykins76 qwertykins76 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: japeville
Total Awards: 3
You're Appreciated! Grey Note Medal INFECTED - B2K1 
1998: Oh, a cool and quality new IP. What a unique and beloved childhood experience we have found ourselves to be in.
1999: I want more
2000: Fantastic, but that's too much more
2001: Silence
2002: Microsoft buyout. What now becomes of birb and bear, we wonder?
2003: Grunty's Revenge
2004: Silence
2005: Banjo Pilot
2006: New Banjo trailer shown at E3. Hype 4 dayz
2007: Enthusiastic speculation and wild theory-mongering
2008: *flashbacks of vietnam*
2009: Dead silence
2010: Dead silence
2011: Dead silence
2012: Dead silence
2013: Surely a new Banjo this year
2014: Surely a new Banjo this year
2015: Surely a new Banjo this year New company Playtonic Games reveals itself, sheds light on their new game Yooka-Laylee.
2016: Surely a new Banjo this year Continued talk about Yooka. The wait between Nuts and Bolts and a new B-K game now officially becomes longer than the wait from Tooie to NaB was
2017: Surely a new Banjo this year Yooka comes out. Some enjoy it, some don't. Yet somehow we all ended up with more of a gap in our hearts after playing than before
2018: B-K turns 20. SURELY A NEW- Literally gets almost no acknowledgement whatsoever
2019: (>You are here<) Surely a new Banjo this year
2020: Surely..... this... time.....?
2033: Half-Life 3 comes out
3072: Roysten the goldfish gets added as a character in Mario Kart 127
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