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Banjo Theories & Stop 'n' Swop SNS? Bottle's Revenge? Share your thoughts on the mysteries of the Banjo series and discuss the new Stop 'n' Swop features in Nuts and Bolts and the XBLA games

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Old 11th April 2009, 10:35 AM
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I don't know, I just think mine is the more 'pessimistic realisitc' of the theories, like saying 'GEeze, come on guys...It's not like EVERYTHING in the games have to do with SnS!!! It's probably a lot less epic that we think!!!'

Even in the link you posted, there was still a lot of ASSUMPTIONS. Like the whole pictures thing...Ya know?

Old 11th April 2009, 10:48 AM
Banjo-Korezooie Banjo-Korezooie is offline
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Hm, good way of wording that..anyways that's what I was thinking. I really don't mind listening to a theory that is well-presented and that fits into everything nicely even if it is a huge stretch. Just as long as it isn't made with the thought that "If you can't prove it wrong, than it's it's perfectly feasible". On an off-topic note, I recently made a post with a theory that was a complete stretch, but I still think it's an interesting idea:


It also talks about the connection between B-K and DK, but that's not it's main focus.

Old 11th April 2009, 10:52 AM
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Checking it out

(LOL...no offense dude, but you should space your sentences out a bit more next time, in the theories that are long at least...I have bad computer viewing eyes, and that hurts 'em pretty badly...)
Good theory though!

Old 12th April 2009, 12:03 AM
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Okay, let me start by bringing up a post I made way back in the 56th page of the Twilight Brigade:


Based on certain things brought up in that patent (Ice-key, Lever, and Big Icy Door), you could see that it's talking about a specific connection between BK and DK64. They seemed to have the process all planned out in that patent.

I don't know if it was just a test of some sort(I don't see why they wouldn't just make a simple game demo for this purpose) or if this was the original plan before a sequel to BK was planned.

What I do know is that the connection between DK64 and BK was probably dropped sometime before they decided to use the secret items for Banjo-Tooie. That's why Mumbo says the items are used in Banjo-Tooie.

Hopefully my hacking research in the Kiosk version and Final will give us some more info.

Last edited by runehero123; 12th April 2009 at 12:08 AM.

Old 12th April 2009, 12:49 AM
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Originally Posted by JDTurnbull272 View Post
Woah, epic wall of Quote....

I read a bit of your post (was a bit hard to read), think I got it...
Well, Rare puts cameos of all kinds of things in nearly ALL of their games!
What do those cameos have ANYTHING to do with testing SnS???
I mean, you can look in just about ANY Rare game and at some point, see a cameo of some sort from another game...And they'd been working on DK64 before Banjo Kazooie was even done and released, so it's not like it was RUSHED or anything...They had the idea for SnS long before DK64 was being released, and that would have gave them a few years I bet.

The ONLY 'Shout-out' if anything to SnS was the ONE item, the ICE KEY!
Didn't you catch that in my post?
Nowhere in my post did I say anything about 'cameos' or how they were shout outs to SnS or anything...But as for similar 'Beta Cameos', I don't see the big deal in that? Both games are based off of a very similar engine! So I see no reason why Rare wouldn't have taken some things from their Banjo Kazooie game and put them into the Beta DK64 until they could get some more official and final models in there...Games change...Stop and Swop hadn't been dropped as of the release of DK64, it wasn't dropped until a bit AFTER that...as to why the 'Ice Key 0/1' thing was left in, that's even weirder then I guess, huh?

Aside from the TYPICAL cameos, the only thing in there was the key...
Name another SnS related thing in DK64 other than that!
I can't think of another SINGLE thing!
I heard the cameos were supposed to only appear when BK was inserted into to slot. and DKC64 was inserted into the DD.

Old 12th April 2009, 02:10 AM
Banjo-Korezooie Banjo-Korezooie is offline
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Originally Posted by JDTurnbull272 View Post
Checking it out

(LOL...no offense dude, but you should space your sentences out a bit more next time, in the theories that are long at least...I have bad computer viewing eyes, and that hurts 'em pretty badly...)
Good theory though!
eheh, sorry dude, I'll try to remember that. Anyways thanks

Old 12th April 2009, 06:27 AM
Banjo-Korezooie Banjo-Korezooie is offline
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Sorry for the double post (I didn't edit my old post so this wouldn't be overlooked) but I just noticed that the "locker"-which I think could actually very well be a freezer-in DK64 with the Banjo-Kazooie cameo on it that was taken out of the game, was replaced with TNT, coal, and a torch.

Well, It's not so much I noticed that as I noticed that it might have been one of RARE's shout outs to their beta content like the picture of Fungus Forest in Banjo's house.

I think this because if the locker/freezer-or at least the Banjo-Kazooie cameo on the locker/freezer-did indeed have something to do with SnS, RARE had to remove it when their testing was over and/or it got canned and decided to replace it with a secret shout out to the only cave oriented level in DK64 (that I can think of).

The only level that the ice key is so far expected to have had something to do with; Crystal Caves. Maybe the locker/freezer was the location where you got the ice key when you swapped it from Banjo-Kazooie, and then you took it to crystal caves for something? But anyways my main point is the TNT, coal, and torch = shout out?

Last edited by Banjo-Korezooie; 12th April 2009 at 07:25 AM.

Old 12th April 2009, 07:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Banjo-Korezooie View Post
The only level that the ice key is so far expected to have had something to do with; Crystal Caves. Maybe the locker/freezer was the location where you got the ice key when you swapped it from Banjo-Kazooie, and then you took it to crystal caves for something? But anyways my main point is the TNT, coal, and torch = shout out?
Very nice idea

Locker = ice
ice = Ice Key

Maybe when Ice Key connection was removed from DK64 then Locker was removed too?

Last edited by BanjoPL; 12th April 2009 at 07:52 AM.

Old 12th April 2009, 08:39 PM
Banjo-Korezooie Banjo-Korezooie is offline
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Thanks and that's what I'm thinking..

Old 12th April 2009, 11:15 PM
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Here's to hoping that I can find the locker with my "Global Map Object mod" in the kiosk rom.

Old 12th April 2009, 11:30 PM
Banjo-Korezooie Banjo-Korezooie is offline
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Here's hoping BTW, if you don't mind me asking, where DID you get the kiosk rom, runehero?

Old 12th April 2009, 11:32 PM
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Um, it would be against the rules to tell you....

Old 12th April 2009, 11:40 PM
Banjo-Korezooie Banjo-Korezooie is offline
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Oh, I was just wondering if you knew the person who put the kiosk rom online or if you did and actually had the original kiosk cartridge or what. Anyways I hope you find it

Old 12th April 2009, 11:44 PM
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Nope, I just googled around for a bit. And thanks .

Old 13th April 2009, 08:43 AM
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Dk64 and BK, together? (HAHAHA DK BK!)

makes sense....
I want a splendid pie. A pizza pizza pie........


banjo kazooie, banjo tooie, dk64, ice key, stop n swop

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