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View Poll Results: Favorite Donkey Kong 64 Level?
DK Isles 0 0%
Jungle Japes 4 6.45%
Angry Aztec 2 3.23%
Frantic Factory 12 19.35%
Gloomy Galleon 0 0%
Fungi Forest 28 45.16%
Crystal Caves 9 14.52%
Creepy Castle 7 11.29%
Hideout Helm 0 0%
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Old 2nd January 2009, 06:06 AM
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Favorite Donkey Kong 64 Level?

What is your Favorite DK64 level, from the epic N64?

I added DK Isles and Hideout Helm...I don't necessarily consider them levels, but...I suppose they could be a favorite, as there are necessary items in those areas to beat the game as well.

As for me, I'm going to go into a deep and profound explanation of each level, including DK Isles and Hideout Helm.

Oh, and my favorite would have to be Fungi Forest.

DK Isles: I don't mind it much actually. I like the way it's built, and it's puzzling enough. I recently discovered that hidden minigame Diddy has to fly up to over top the isle XD.

Jungle Japes: Probably a close second, Jungle Japes, although easy, is a fascinating course in my opinion. I think it's well built, the challenges keep you on your feet (except for an expert player, but that's beside the point), and you are at least greeted to an entertaining first level. The last thing you want in a game is to loathe the first level.

Angry Aztec: Not a favorite. I don't hate it, but I don't love it. The only I thing I probably really like about it is that it's where you get Tiny. Because Tiny is pro.

Frantic Factory: Not a big fan here, also home of the bastardly Dk Arcade Game which I have to spend endless hours playing just so I can get the damn banana and Nintendo Coin! There are, however, parts of this level that I thoroughly enjoy. Like the big main factory area, that kinda reminds me of the whole clock level in Super Mario 64. I like that part

Gloomy Galleon: Easily my most hated level, due to a mix of boringness and difficulty. Plus I just can't stand under water levels. But all in all, it isn't all that bad. As long as I can get over the Chunky cannon ball banana.

Fungi Forest: What can I say? Love everything about it. The music. The scenery. The difficulty. When I enter this level, I intend on leaving it only after I have gotten all the bananas (which obviously isn't possible, but it's always my intent). Sometimes I come back to this level even after it's 100% complete simply to fly around with Tiny's hair whirl move from mushroom to mushroom. Now isn't that a pretty picture....ah...memories...

Crystal Caves: This may come as a shock to you, but this is also a close second along with JJ. The music is purely amazing. More so than Fungi Forest. The level of difficulty that comes along with this level is highly enthralling, along with the occasional and sudden rock-falling panic that comes every half a minute. But I always wished there was a level harder than this to suit me more. Which bring me to the next level...

Creepy Castle: Creepy Castle is both a blast and extremely disappointing. I couldn't ask for an easier final level. Creepy Castle is supposed to be the last level in the game, and difficulty wise, Crystal Caves beats it by a long shot. This, however, is the only flaw. The level itself is incredible. And HUGE! I love huge levels, so this suits me nicely. There was about half the level I didn't even know about until like a year ago XD.

Hideout Helm: I also find this rather disappointing. I LOVE THE MUSIC. It's pretty much awesome. But they should have incorporated more of the skills and moves I had learned with the Kongs up to this point. I mean, having gotten all the blueprints before I got here, I had 50 minutes to do this level and I finished it in 20 minutes flat. If I had concentrated harder, I probably could have done it in 10 or 15. But the atmosphere when you get to this point in the game always gets me nervous, I think that's what I enjoy about it the most.
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Old 2nd January 2009, 06:24 AM
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Fungi Forest!
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Old 2nd January 2009, 06:40 AM
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FF, it was the most open and most interesting level in the game. Creepy Castle comes second.

And I agree: Tiny Kong KICKS ASS! She is my favorite kong. I don't know why, I just like her more than the other kongs.
you gave him all of your money and then he just, went the wrong way

Last edited by Crystal Mech; 2nd January 2009 at 06:43 AM.
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Old 2nd January 2009, 06:48 AM
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Crystal Caves is my favorite.

Edit : Chunky Kong > Tiny
Nothing to see here.

Last edited by Shaz; 2nd January 2009 at 06:57 AM.
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Old 2nd January 2009, 06:54 AM
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Tiny Kong ftew!!!!
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Old 2nd January 2009, 07:48 AM
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I voted for Fungi forest however I like frantic factory and Hideout help as much.
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Old 2nd January 2009, 09:46 AM
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Fungi Forest for day/night stuff...
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Old 2nd January 2009, 10:07 AM
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I'm really glad the idea for Fungi Forest was taken out of Banjo-Kazooie, even though it's fascinating to imagine what beta Banjo-Kazooie would have been like, the level works wonders in Donkey Kong 64; an absolute masterpiece of a world, all others in the game pale in comparison.
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Old 2nd January 2009, 02:00 PM
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Fungi Forest was cool, but it was VERY easy to get lost in it, it just felt like a mess.

Crystal Caverns sticks out in my mind. It was just an amazing atmosphere. I also liked Creepy Castle.
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Old 2nd January 2009, 02:24 PM
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Creepy Castle and Frantic Factory were my two favorites.
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Old 2nd January 2009, 06:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Doorstop View Post
Fungi Forest was cool, but it was VERY easy to get lost in it, it just felt like a mess.

Crystal Caverns sticks out in my mind. It was just an amazing atmosphere. I also liked Creepy Castle.
Nice pick, but how can you get lost in any level when there are warp pads? Right in the main area with the giant tree there are four warp pads that seems pretty organized to me But yeah I agree in a way. I could never figure that place out till a few weeks ago. When I got all 201 bananas
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Old 5th January 2009, 06:41 PM
Kain Horward Kain Horward is offline
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Oh my god, I don't know if I can choose! DK64 is one of my all-time favorite games, and it was the first Rare game I ever played. Back in '99 I loved it more than Banjo! It also has the best Kirkhope music ever in it! DK64's soundtrack was similar to Banjo's, but had a sort of darker feel to it that I loved. Frantic Factory, Crystal Caves, and Fungi Forest really stand out as amazing levels. But in terms of music, FF has them all beat (especially the boss theme!). Crystal Caves boss theme is amazing as well.

Edit: OH MY GOD! I forgot about Hideout Helm's music!! The second one (the one that plays after you shut down the Blast-O-Matic) is the greatest piece of music Grant ever wrote, second only to B-K's final battle (my opinion).

Last edited by Kain Horward; 5th January 2009 at 06:44 PM.
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Old 5th January 2009, 06:47 PM
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Fungi Forest is the best stage, but Hideout Helm has the best music.

FF has the second-best music, though.
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Old 5th January 2009, 07:07 PM
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Angry Aztec is my favorite.Opening the temples and exploring the beautiful insides is just awsome.And it had the first great race with the tortoise.
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Old 6th January 2009, 01:58 PM
Kain Horward Kain Horward is offline
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Originally Posted by Myriad View Post
Angry Aztec is my favorite.Opening the temples and exploring the beautiful insides is just awsome.And it had the first great race with the tortoise.
...It was a beetle...a beetle with the most annoying ******* laugh EVER!!! God I hated that beetle!!!
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