Yooka-Laylee Toybox Patcher
Patches the Yooka-Laylee Toybox with some juicy functions such as flying, air attack and sonar boom attacks!
usage: ToyBoxPatcher.exe <infile> <outfile> <commands>
Enter commands separated by a space, for example ToyBoxPatcher.exe file.dll out.dll command1 command2
- skipsplash - The game will boot straight into the level
- loading - This will boot the game into a loading screen. You cannot
- quit through the front end with this.
- flying - This will enable flying in the game. Crouch and press X :)
- airattack - Press X while jumping
- sonarattack - Crouch and hold jump
The file you want to patch is
<steam location>\steamapps\common\YookaLayleeToybox\Toybox64_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll
Always make a back up of your files before you use this tool.
There is now a GUI version of the tool that's so simple, even my gran could use it.
Requires the .NET Framework.
Created by Ice Mario 2016